Friday 9 September 2011

'The last blossom' by puffy eyes

The last blossom by puffy eyes
The last blossom, a photo by puffy eyes on Flickr.

Just a quick one to show you this really striking photo. I love the contrast between the delicate yellow blossoms and the hard grey pavement. I wonder whether the photographer put the flowers there or if there was a tree overhead that they'd fallen off. Either way it makes for a beautiful and creative image. Love it!

Happy weekend everyone!


  1. That is a striking photo... have a great weekend!

  2. Lovely. I agree. Depth of Field is lovely. have a great weekend. x

  3. Oh they're running down the road.

  4. love this one. :o) the colour contrast is so striking. xx

  5. The contrast IS pretty extraordinary. I also like the blurred surroundings. This is one of my favorite effects on the camera.
