Tuesday 13 September 2011

'Peas in a pod' by Me

Peas in a pod by PhotoPuddle
Peas in a pod, a photo by PhotoPuddle on Flickr.

One of my earliest childhood memories is sitting on the kitchen floor shelling peas that my parents had grown in the garden. As they got older they lost their enthusiasm for gardening but when I was small they had a fantastic garden full or homegrown fruit and vegetables. I love the idea of growing my own vegetables but really lack the motivation. Therefore when I cook peas they usually come out of the freezer. However, last week when in the supermarket my daughter was rather taken by a bag of peas still in their pods so we bought them. It made me feel really happy watching her sitting on the floor shelling peas like I did when I was about her age. I think I might buy peas like this more often. And maybe one I might even grown some of my own.

I took lots of photos of the event of course as my little girl was really enjoying herself. I also took some pictures of the peas themselves. This one is my favourite.


  1. They have a really distinct taste... very fresh. nice shot.

  2. great shot hunny!
    ummmm... I fancy mushy peas now!!!
    And fish and chips!!!
