Wednesday 7 September 2011

'Children's bookshop' by Me

Children's bookshop by PhotoPuddle
Children's bookshop, a photo by PhotoPuddle on Flickr.

Here is a photo of a bookshop in Lewes, East Sussex which is dedicated to children's books. I loved it! I could have spend a whole afternoon browsing so imagine how excited my daughter was. I love books and over the past few years I have totally fallen in love with kid's books. It's fair to say that my little girl has a lot of them as I feel that they shouldn't just be as a treat. Everyone should have lots of books!

I had to take a snap of the shop as it's just so quaint and lovely. Just how a little book shop should look. I wish I'd taken some pictures inside too. I always feel guilty taking pictures in shops though in case the shop owner disappoves for some reason and tells me off!


  1. I'd love to go in there, I'm obsessed with books for Leo, he has so many he hasn't even seen as they are far to old for him!

  2. I always want to take pictures inside shops and I keep urging myself to ask the shopkeeper - same for market stalls too. Off to a curry festival this weekend so here goes....

    Our lovely bookstore shut down, a small independent - so sad. This one looks lovely.

  3. Chick and I both love books but it's very rare to find an independent book seller these days. Looks like a fabulous shop!! xx

  4. Darling photo! Lewes has so many charming shops. Well done for giving your daughter an abundance of books – she will always be grateful. As for photos inside shops, I sometimes feel funny but I always ask and often it is no problem. – g
