Sunday 4 September 2011

'On the beach' by Me

On the beach by PhotoPuddle
On the beach, a photo by PhotoPuddle on Flickr.

Today I've been sewing name tapes into sweatshirts and t-shirts as this week my daughter starts pre-school. She's already done a term's worth of short taster sessions which she loved but this week she's starting for real. Luckily she loves it so I'm not worrying too much about how she'll get on but I can't help feel a bit sad. It's like the end of an era. For nearly three years it's been me and her. We've done lots of things, met lots of people and she's always seeing her friends but we've always been together and had a really great time. I say all the time how she's a friend as well as my daughter. I know pre-school will be good for her though and I know I'll end up appreciating some time to myself. It also means that the time we do spend together now will be quality time. I can get all the boring jobs I have to do out of the way while she's out so when she comes home we can just have lots of fun.

I apologise for being a little soppy there. You'd think she was going away to boarding school rather than going to pre-school for just a few hours each week. I guess I'd not realised until now what a big deal it would be for me.

Here's a picture I took of her on the beach in Swansea. I like it because of the way she's standing. It makes me wonder what on earth she was was thinking about. It looks like it was something interesting. I expect she was considering the best place to build a sandcastle or something equally important!

1 comment:

  1. And i've been buying *new* school uniform this week.
    Awww it's a milestone, for sure. don't feel bad, it's natural - you love her. But this is when they really get their developing personalities -- when mixing more with other children.
    Look at the positives and remember that you will both appreciate each other that little bit more when you pick her up.
    Sweet piccie indeed. x
