Saturday 27 August 2011

'bEnCh mOndAY - bEeN ShOpPing' by Rain City Girl

Hope you've been having a lovely weekend so far. I must admit I've had a lovely day. It was in fact a rare day in which it was just hubby and me for a few hours. We dropped out daughter off at my sister's and then headed off to the cinema to watch The Inbetweeners movie. Any British readers will know what I'm going on about, and I must say that if you like the show then you'll definitely enjoy the film. Anyway, as we don't got the the cinema much these days we made sure we made the most of it by purchasing a rather large vat of coke, a giant bucket of popcorn and a big bag of pick 'n' mix! It had to be done. After that we went off for a spot of shopping which included a new pair of Converse shoes for me! Turquoise this time - I shall of course be photographing them in the near future. My daughter sort of ended up being bought a couple of pairs of boots too, lucky thing!

So that was my day? What have you been up to.

Oh, and the photo? Well it's an excellent shopping photo. Love the idea of photographing shopping bags like this. I am a huge hoarder of carrier bags (especially the pretty paper kind) so I might have to snap some myself. I also think the texture used on this photo is great. My favourite bit however is the fact that it's rather colourless except for the really pretty pink and green. They're really lovely shades that work really well together.


  1. I have just discovered Bench Monday this week. I really need to get into Flickr more. I have two accounts now but really need to bite the bullet and get a Pro a/c.

    I haven't been to the cinema for a long, long time. I look forward to going one day, probably in a few years with my son.

    Have a great weekend.

  2. Love your blog! And thanks for putting up my photo.
