Wednesday 24 August 2011

'My feet taken by my two year old' by my beautiful daughter

I'm dedicating this post to my daughter who's not even three yet but is already turning out to be a bit of a photographer herself. She's constantly stealing the camera from me so she can take some photos of her own. I know most toddlers probably do this but as I watch her I see she's so careful with the camera and you can also tell that she's thinking about every shot she takes not just clicking away randomly. For example today she was interested in trees and was looking up to take photos. She also saw a broken fence and wanted to take pictures through the gap it had left.

This photo is one of my favourites. Mainly because I'm jealous. Not that I love my feet or anything but I'm often pointing the camera at them as I reckon it'd make an intersting shot. They never quite turn out right though. However, this picture by my little girl is exactly the kind of thing I'm trying to achieve. This was totally taken by her with no involvement by me. I've just tweeked the colour a little bit to make it even nicer.

Now she's either rather artistic OR she's just taking the camera away so I stop pointing the bloomin' thing at her! I suspect it's a bit of both.


  1. It sounds like you've got a budding photographer on your hands!! :)

  2. So talented, you better nurture that gift!
    Really great.

  3. She has talent. That's her Christmas present sorted then ... her own camera. Beats a Fisher Price kitchen hands down.

  4. Thanks for your lovely comments. Definitely don't think it'll be long before I get her her own camera!

  5. She has a talent both as a photographer and how to woo her mom
