Monday 18 July 2011

'Pattern umano 01' by Kazze

Pattern umano 01 by Kazze
Pattern umano 01, a photo by Kazze on Flickr.

I really don’t want to be a person who moans about the weather all the time but my goodness the weather here is rubbish at the moment. So rubbish in fact that it’s really starting to get me down. I hate that because I was really looking forward to summer and had loads of fun things planned. But seriously it’s like November at the moment. It’s even more depressing because the school summer holidays are about to start which to me kind of signifies the countdown to the end of summer. I am doing my best to embrace the weather and do things like snuggling indoors with a film and taking my daughter out in her wellies to splash in puddles but to be honest it is wearing bit thin. I want to be at the beach or in the park or at least playing in the garden.

I was looking for a rainy day or umbrella photo to accompany my weather rant I came across this photo and my first thought was “Awesome”! I love it. The colours and patterns are just so random but bright and cheerful. It’s a really well observed photo. I hope the whole beach was awash with fantastic parasols like this.

Well that cheered my up a little bit. Fingers crossed it’ll be parasols again here soon and not umbrellas!


  1. You're right – it's a brilliant photo. I love it! I hope you've gotten sunshine now. We are having much the same rubbishy kind of weather. A few sunny days but a lot of gray and wet. We are the only place in America not suffering an awful heatwave though so most people aren't complaining. But summer without sun is miserable! Hope your August and September are super sunny. Ours, too. – g

  2. Georgianna - sorry to hear the weather's no better where you are. I will keep everything crossed that we both have a beautiful late summer.
