Sunday 3 July 2011

'*' by Marie Granelli

* by Marie Granelli
*, a photo by Marie Granelli on Flickr.

And so ends another lovely weekend. In theory it should have been so relaxing just hanging out with friends, enjoying the sunshine and eating barbecue food (again) but there's something about watching small children play that is totally exhausting! Ah well, I wouldn't have it any other way.

This is such a relaxing summer photo. It looks like it was taken on a beautiful day. The shadow at the bottom of the photo is intresting though and I wonder what was making it. I hope that after this photo was taken a book, sunglasses, and a nice cold drink was grabbed and a relaxing afternoon by the sea was had.


  1. Great photo, I love the green grass, you don't see much green these days around here!

  2. What a gorgeous combination of colours and so realxing.
    Very inviting
    Thanks for your comment today x
