Sunday 5 June 2011

'The Needles' by Me

The Needles by PhotoPuddle
The Needles, a photo by PhotoPuddle on Flickr.

It's been such lovely weather recently so it was a bit of a shock when it was grey and rainy today. Didn't matter though really because we made use of our time indoors and got lots of jobs done around the house which we'd been putting off due to being out and about in the sunshine! Last week, for example, we went off on a day trip to the Isle of Wight. It was a really hot and sunny day and I definitely think I'd like to go back as it's a great place for a family holiday.

I took this at The Needles. I really like the boat in the background but I had to wait ages for the boat in front of the Needles to pass. In fact if you look carefully you can still see the boat's wake in the water.

Now fingers crossed the nice weather comes back again soon.


  1. I love the Isle of Wight, I had several holidays there as a child so it was lovely to see this photo.

    Hope the nice weather comes back for you soon!

  2. Beautiful. I love the blue, and the pop of red.

    Where has our lovely weather gone? My little one is the same with puddles, it's rubbing off on me! x
