Sunday 1 May 2011

'Wakehurst' by Me

Wakehurst, originally uploaded by PhotoPuddle.

So how's everyone's weekend been? We've been having a really busy one seeing friends and family but it's been fantastic. And the great news is there is yet another Bank Holiday tomorrow! Hooray! Last week's four day weekend was rather awesome too - you know I think I could get used to these extra long weekends.

Surprisingly I've not really used my camera this weekend so I'll have to show you another photo I took last Friday at Wakehurst. When I saw these flowers I knew they'd make a fabulous subject for a photo and I think I was right. Just one thing though, I'm really terrible at identifying plants and flowers so can someone let me know if I'm right in thinking this is wisteria?


  1. That's wisteria and also a beautiful photo (as usual!)!

  2. Gorgeous photo and wisteria!

    I worked at Binder Park Zoo, in Battle Creek, Michigan, and that is the first time I'd ever seen this magnificant plant.

    It's very hardy, sturdy and needs something very sturdy to hold up it's heavy, woody and vining branches!

    Saw your Twitter tweet!

    Happy May!

  3. Thank you Mrs Pink and Cherie for the confirmation! And I'm also pleased you like the photo.
