Sunday 15 May 2011

'The Birds And Ship' by Quantum Theory

The Birds And Ship, originally uploaded by Quantum Theory.

Well it's Sunday already. Hope you've had a lovely weekend. Mine's been great with the highlight being a night out with the girls. We had a lovely meal, some nice wine and then off to dance the night away. I love dancing, and as a bonus my feet didn't even hurt in the morning thanks to my fab wedges which are high but still so comfy - the ultimate dancing shoe!

But now to change the subject from shoes to photography (two of my greatest loves!!). The first thing that struck me in this photo was the beautiful sky. I love it when the sky glows like that. But there are so many other little bits to notice in the picture that make it so special. I love the birds and the fact that you can see their reflection in the water. I love that you can't really tell where the sea ends and the wet sand begins. And the best bit has to be that ship in the distance as it's such an interesting shape. I think this photo is perfect for a chilled out Sunday night.