Wednesday 20 April 2011

'Blue skies' by Me

Blue skies, originally uploaded by PhotoPuddle.

Once again we had a beautiful weather here today. In fact the it got so hot at one point that I started thinking it was too hot.... but I stopped myself halfway through that thought - don't want to start wishing the nice weather away!

Here is a picture I took on Brighton Pier back in March. I love the bright colours and the blue skies. Fingers crossed I'll be taking more photos like this over the next few months!


  1. Nothing but blue skies ... from now on ... la la la la la.

  2. beautiful pic! It's just starting to get chilly here, so I'm missing the blue skies and heat xx

  3. Wow, I had to re-read that - Brighton in March?? That's nicer sky than we've had recently!

    Hope it keeps nice for you :)

  4. Fran - Yep. Not going to rain until September now definitely!!
    Simone - Aw, surely your winter isn't as bad as ours though!
    Emma - we've actually been very lucky over here so far this year. Had lots of blue sky days and this April has just been crazy weather - but fab!

  5. Hasn't the weather been amazing? Still going strong too, it's bizarre! Love the way that the white yellow and orange make the blue even more stunning.
