Friday 25 March 2011

':11/365: tangerine' by alexandra:b

:11/365: tangerine, originally uploaded by alexandra:b.

I love this picture because that tangerine just looks so perfect and so juicy! The colour is so vivid too. It makes me what to go grab something orangey to eat right now.

It also reminds me off the yummiest bag of satsumas I bought from M&S this week they were as juicy and and delicious as these ones look but I doubt they'd have made such a good photo. My two year old is so fussy somtimes. When she was a baby I called all satsuma/clementine/tangerine/mandarin type fruit 'oranges' because I figured it would be easier to learn. Fair enough I thought but now when I offer her a satsuma she's refuses. She's only interested if I offer it to her as an orange! Toddlers are funny little things aren't they?

Oh and happy weekend everyone. I hope you all have a fantastic time doing whatever it is you are doing this weekend.


  1. this is so cheery. i do love a good orange - the mandarin variety especially.

    have a great weekend girl!
