Wednesday 9 March 2011

'Ice cream in Brighton' by Me

Ice cream in Brighton, originally uploaded by PhotoPuddle.

We spent the day in Brighton yesterday and it was just perfect. The weather was beautiful, I was with my wonderful husband and daughter and I took lots of photos. I chose this one to share with you as it's definitely one of my favourites. It's a great combination of subjects. When you go to the beach on such a sunny day you have to have an ice cream and Brighton is instantly recognisable by the turquoise railings. More photos will follow shortly!


  1. What a great the colors!

  2. That is a fantastic shot and now I want a Mr Whippie! See - your blog pimping worked ;)

  3. Just thought I would say hello as you are missing visitors. I now want an ice cream. Darn you!

  4. That looks sooooooooooo good! I cannot wait for Summer xx

  5. Why wait until summer? This ice cream was eaten in March and it tasted just as good! Although I really can't wait until summer either!

  6. Now this just says "Summer"! :)
