Thursday 3 March 2011

'Ice cream for dessert' by Me

Ice cream for dessert, originally uploaded by PhotoPuddle.

It's been a lovely sunny couple of days here. It was also rather cold but I can cope with that when there's such gorgeous sunshine. Yesterday my two year old and I had a fun packed day out in the sunshine which included treating ourselves to Pizza Express for lunch. The light shining in through the window was just beautiful. Lots of photos were taken! Here is one I took that really shows off that beautiful sunlight. And in case you were wondering how I was able to take this picture without my daughter tucking into the ice cream, well, she'd actually started on the wafer that came with it first. This therefore left an ice cream sundae sitting on the table just waiting to be photographed. It didn't stay uneaten for long though!


  1. Sunshine?! It's been foggy, damp and freezing here! I must look at a picture of the sun to remember what it looks like!

    CJ xx

  2. Yeah, we've been very lucky this week with the sunshine. Fingers crossed it sticks around for a while.

  3. Sunshine and an ice cream treat ... sounds like a perfect day! :)
