Monday 28 March 2011

'Brighton beach' by Me

Brighton beach, originally uploaded by PhotoPuddle.

I think I may have mentioned just a FEW times before how much I love Brighton and I never get bored of taking photos there - especially of the old West Pier. Here is one of my latest shots which I took on a beautiful day there a few weeks ago. I was trying to be a bit creative with the composition so I took some with a great expanse of beach and some with lots of sky. This is my favourite one.

It's also a good time of year to get photos of Brighton beach as come the summer there are always so many people on it spoiling my shots. Very annoying!


  1. A great spot for taking photos

  2. I've only been to Brighton twice in my life but I have some fabulous shots just like this!!! Great pic xx

  3. Hey - you should have given me a call. I live just up the road!
