Tuesday 15 February 2011

'Beauty in purple' by Me

Beauty in purple, originally uploaded by PhotoPuddle.

As promised here is my purple flower picture. I hope you like it. It was a lovely purple, pink and white bouquet. I love it when my husband comes home from work with some flowers for me. Not only is it a romantic gesture but we both know that the minute the sun comes out I'll be there with my camera snapping away at them!


  1. He got you these? aawww, and double the pleasure because you love taking photos :) Jen

  2. Yes, and he bought me beautiful red roses for Valentine's Day too. I'm a lucky lady!

  3. very sweet.
    and it's a great photo!

  4. Aww lovely Valentine's pressie - what a great photo!

    Just wanted to say thank you as well, by the way, for the lovely comment that you posted on my blog post about my break up the other week. It really meant a lot to me to get such lovely comments from people, and I just wanted to say thanks for your kind words.

    Claire x

  5. great pic hun!!!!!
    love the colours!!!
