Tuesday 22 February 2011

'Bridge' by enfi

Bridge, originally uploaded by enfi.

I went to New York over a decade ago now and totally loved it. I'd wanted to go for ages and had built it up in my head to be a totally awesome place. I was therefore rather worried that it wouldn't live up to my expectations but luckily it did and it was such a fantastic place to visit. We only went for three nights which meant only two full days there. This was nowhere near enough time to explore all the things we wanted to although we did cram a lot into those two days. The hightlights for me include a trip up to the top of the World Trade Centre (I feel honoured), being in The Disney Store on 5th Avenue when it started to snow (it was so magical) and being unable to locate the Empire State Building (we were standing with a map looking lost when we decided to look upwards and ooops there it was!).

I could ramble on couldn't I about New York but I'd better show you a photo. Sadly I can't show you any I took as mine were all taken with film. I should scan them in one day. But I'm sure you won't be disappointed with this one I've chosen. Isn't this just an amazing angle to have taken a photo at? I also love how well the photographer has captured the evening light. Fantastic work!


  1. We went to NYC for 2 weeks in July 2001. I was 20 weeks pregnant with my first- it was hot! Like you we went up the WTC, I also have some fab photos on film and 6 weeks later 9/11 happened.
    I love that photo but can't help wondering how the photographer got where ever he was to take it!

  2. I know! It looks a little dangerous doesn't it!
