Tuesday 11 January 2011

'Frosty Robin (Explored)' by glendel1

Frosty Robin (Explored), originally uploaded by glendel1.

There is a little part of me that wishes it would snow again here. The last time it snowed it just did the best job of messing up Christmas plans so I kind of think it would be nice to have a bit of snow to just have fun in. Don't want to be worrying about what plans will have to be cancelled. But I fear I may just be wearing rose tinted glasses here. I am sure I'd be sick of it within 24 hours if it did fall again!

Another reason for wanting more snow would be to see some robins and hopefully be able to take a photo a bit like this. I love robins and think they look so striking in the white like this. This is such a lovely wintery photo. The detail of the frost on the branches is great and the lighting is perfect too. It looks very cold! Even the bird himself looks a bit chilly - it looks like he's wondering where he left his scarf.

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