Friday 28 January 2011

'Winding road' by So Graphic

Winding road, originally uploaded by So Graphic.

It's Friday! I love that Friday feeling. I love being a stay-at-home mum and I love what I get up to during the week but it still feels so nice when it's Friday. I guess because it means two whole days of family time. My husband, daughter and I always make sure we do something fun together at the weekend. Also weekends often mean catching up with friends we don't see very often or who don't live near by.

And so to the photo which has nothing to do with weekends. It's just been flipping freezing here today so I thought I'd show you this lovely snowy picture. I think the shape of the road is very well observed. The photograph obviously had a lot of road to choose from when taking this shot but they got it just right. And I really love the vintage texture that has been used.

Happy weekend everyone!


  1. A cyclist's dream, that downward slope. But maybe not the other side ...

  2. I love this photo! I don't frame very many things but this would definitely be one. So dreamy.

    I also look forward to the wkends, mainly becuz wkends are family time and also I get to nap!
