Wednesday 8 December 2010

'Making Christmas cards' by Me

Making Christmas cards, originally uploaded by PhotoPuddle.

I can't believe it's just two and a bit weeks until Christmas now. December always seems to go so fast. I was feeling rather smug as pretty much all my Christmas shopping is done now but then I remembered that I've not done anything else. I've not written any cards (or even dedcided needs to get one), not sorted food, not a single present wrapped and I am hoping that my little girl has got a nice stocking hiding up the loft somewhere. She had one last year so there must still be one up there somewhere. Anyway, today to get in the Christmas spirit my daughter and I had a go at making some cards. Not sure if any of these will actually get sent but it was rather fun! So how about you? Are you all ready for Christmas?


  1. I just realised the same thing about cards! I've done most of my shopping but still have one or two to get but haven't even thought about sending cards. Some of my presents need to go in the post too so will have to make sure I get them all wrapped and packaged up by the post office's parcel deadline of the 15th Dec.. eek that's next week!

  2. I always tell myself every year that I want all my Christmas stuff done before the 1st of December but every year a week, a day into Christmas I'm running around getting stuff here and there ... I know how you feel.
    Making cards sounds like so much fun. I can't wait to do crafts with Nate when he's old enough. In the meantime, it's just me and my craft box. I have everything to do still.. including putting up our tree =(
