Thursday 2 December 2010

'Christmas baubles 1*' by Lee Ann L.

Christmas baubles 1*, originally uploaded by Lee Ann L..

I was rather disappointed last night as I really wanted to celebrate the first day of December with a Christmassy blog post. However, I found myself with a stinking headache so took myself off to bed early to feel sorry for myself there. Luckily the headache is all gone now so here is a fantastic photo to show you now the count down to Christmas has really begun.

I think baubles make a fantastic subject for a photo. In fact when ours come down from the loft ready to go on the tree I shall no doubt be snapping away. Really hope to get some nice festive photos this year.

In the meantime here is a great bauble picture taken by someone else. I love all the colours and I love that they are all lined up so neatly. I wonder how that was done as they usually do roll around quite a lot. Also the nosy part of me loves bauble photos as I like to try and see what is reflected in them. I can't see much going on in these ones unfortunately.

Anyway, hope the Christmas season has started well for you and you've enjoyed the first two choccies in your advent calendar!


  1. Gorgeous! Do you fancy linking to my Festive Friday post tomorrow? This would be perfect!

  2. Sounds interesting - I shall check out your Festive Friday post tomorrow x

  3. My hubby gets the advent calender choccies ... headaches are never fun. Glad you're feeling better today. Happy December!

  4. there really is so much fun in colours, isn't there!

    thanks for stopping in to visit with me as well!
    i love hearing from you!

    have a great weekend!

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  5. Wow! That is an amazing shot! How on earth did they get them to all sit still! Puts mine to shame!
