Tuesday 23 November 2010

'le vieillard' by vanil.noir

le vieillard, originally uploaded by vanil.noir.

When I saw this photo I just thought, 'Wow'! It is just so beautiful and so peaceful and calm. You can almost hear the silence - if that makes any sense to you. There really is something so magical about freshly fallen snow and this really captures that.

I also thought I'd better post this now before the snow does really show it's face and everyone gets all cross because it's not quite as magical as we all hoped! Although, my baby is now a toddler who says she loves snow so I think there are going to be a few magical moments there this winter.


  1. It is incredibly beautiful. Looks very cold, but in a warm sense!

    CJ xx

  2. Very beautiful and magical! Although I do say that with some reservation as we are snowed in right now which never happens this early in the year. Oh well, they say it will start melting Thursday. Have a lovely week! – g

  3. when i dream of winter, this is what i dream of. so beautiful.
