Thursday 11 November 2010

'My marvelous minolta.' by Sarah{Jane}

My marvelous minolta., originally uploaded by Sarah{Jane}.

When I saw this gorgeous photo I was instantly inspired. It makes me want to go outside and take wintery photos. The light in this makes me think it was a cold but beautiful day. But I mainly was inspired by the combination of gloves and camera. You see I bought a pair of fingerless gloves a few weeks ago simply because they were cute and cheap! However, I didn't really know when I'd wear them. I always get cold fingers why would I want them exposed? Then this photo made me realise that fingerless gloves are for taking photos in. Why, oh why, didn't I realise this sooner? I'd always been taking my gloves off or trying to fiddle around with the camera with my fingers all covered up. Right, I just need to go and find the gloves now! I wonder where I put them.


  1. I so want a decent camera for Christmas! I thought that too when I bought my daughter fingerless gloves but she adores them!!

  2. I have been in the cold with my SLR many times..and yes...some fingerless gloves would have come in 'handy' ! pardon the pun!

    this is a clear and crisp it!
    now...did you check under the couch...

    ciao bella

    Creative Carmelina
