Wednesday 20 October 2010

'daisy morning' by {kittybits}

daisy morning, originally uploaded by {kittybits}.

I'm really smiley because I have reached 100 followers on my blog. I know it’s not all about the followers – it’s all about the photos you know – but it really does make me feel rather warm and fuzzy inside. I can’t believe that 100 people have visited this little old blog of mine and have liked enough to click the follow button. So therefore I just wanted to say a huge thanks to all my followers and to any other readers who regularly come for a visit here. I love you all. I love my blog, I really do, and it makes me happy to think other people out there are enjoying it too.

Here's a photo which I think is so simple yet so beautiful. Beauty really is everywhere and it's so great that it can be captured forever on camera.


  1. Congratulations! Love the photo too. :0)

  2. Congratulations! I agree the pic is simple but soo pretty xx

  3. Simply beautiful!

    Congratulations on reaching 100 followers. I know exactly how you feel; it is a very warm and fuzzy feeling.

  4. Congrats!! I love your blog too :) Love this photo too : )

  5. How beautiful. And yay! 100 followers!

  6. Congrats on 100 followers! I love daisies and Kitty is one of my favorite photographers!
