Sunday 10 October 2010

'Yellow Flower ~ Landscape' by catherinemcglynn

So how's your weekend been? The past few days have really been so hot here. It's like it's been summer again. You've got to love the British weather!

The picture I am featuring here is a fantastic summer weather photo even thought on first glance it doesn't look like the weather has anything to do with it. When I first saw it I thought it was stunning as yellow and blue together is always a great combination. I presumed it was done in a studio with great lighting but then I read the description. It was actually taken on a glass outdoor table. Apparently the sky was so blue it made the table bright blue too and simply putting a flower on the table made this awesome effect. Now I'm thinking about swapping my wooden patio table for a glass one. Hmmm....


  1. Wow! When I first saw the flower I thought it was made of icing (and edible) it is so perfect

  2. It does look so perfect. It really could be some kind of sugarcraft!
