Monday 18 October 2010

'Toronto' by Me

Toronto, originally uploaded by PhotoPuddle.

I love Canada and I love Toronto but more of that another day. Trying to do a quick post tonight and could waffle on about Canada for hours! This is a photo I took in Toronto in 2005. As well as the happy memories I think this photo is great because of the element of danger. It looks like I'm about to get run over. The truth is I was stood on a traffic island but it does look like I'm risking my life to get the perfect shot! I also really like the mixture of old and new architecture. The Gooderham Building (also known as the Flatiron Building) in the centre of the photo was probably ones of the tallest buildings in the city at one point but it looks so tiny compared to the modern skyscrapers. And of course the CN Tower in the distance peeping out from behind the buildings finishes this photo off perfectly. I think so anyway!


  1. It does look like you were about to be run over, you shouldn't have admitted to the traffic island!

  2. front street... i miss being downtown =(
    great shot of the city.

  3. I love Canada too and that is the perfect Canadian photo:)
