Saturday 18 September 2010

untitled image by Jessica Florence

, originally uploaded by Jessica Florence.

I am a proud mummy today as it's my little girl's first night in her big bed! She was very excited about it and even helped us put it up today. I think she felt like a big girl. We had a bed time story in bed then she happily snuggled under the covers like an angel. Of course the night is young and it could be a different story in the morning, especially if she comes leaping out of bed at some ungodly hour but for now I'm going to enjoy it.

This photo is so very cute. I bet you said "Awww" to yourself when you saw it! It's almost as cute as my girl looks cuddled up in bed. Almost..... x


  1. I've loved your twitter play by play of big girl in her new bed. So darling!!


  2. Aaah, hope she had a good night's sleep in her big girl bed.

  3. It was a huge AWWWWWWWW here. What a beautiful photo. xx

  4. Oh dear! This is one of the sweetest things I've seen in a long adorable! I am going to have to show this to my daughter...she will LOVE it.

  5. What a cute photo! Awww such a milestone, I hope the rest of the night went well x
