Monday 6 September 2010

'Autumn Leaves' by frankallanhansen

Autumn Leaves, originally uploaded by frankallanhansen.

We've had some really lovely weather here in the UK so far this September. It's been lovely and sunny and I'm still able to wear flip flops! But you can tell autumn really is just round the corner. The mornings and evenings are a giveaway as they are much fresher than in summer.

I'm glad you don't just skip straight from summer to winter as autumn really does make the transition much easier to cope with. The colours are so beautiful. And it because of things like halloween, firework night and the run up to Christmas there's always something going on.

I love this autumn photo as it really does capture what the it's like here at the beginning of September. It can still be summery and bright but the leaves are starting to change colour and you can feel the cooler weather coming. If autumn is as beautiful as this photo then I reckon we'll all cope OK!


  1. Oh my! Such an amazing picture - just look at those colours! Actually, you make Autumn look not so bad after all ;-) x

  2. ahhh yes Autumn is here - that photo is lush! I love this season just as the leaves have turned and start to fall, but not when they get mushy! x
