Monday 20 September 2010

'Happy Hour' by Nionyn_

Happy Hour, originally uploaded by Nionyn_.

I love cocktail umbrellas. The reason I love them so much is because they remind me of my childhood. In case you were worrying I didn't drink - although I do rather love cocktails now - no, for some reason my grandparents had some at their house which I used to love playing with. I have no idea why they had them, I don't think they ever drank cocktails. I'm not sure I even realised that they were alcoholic drink accessories at the time, I just thought they were really cute. Anyway, this photo makes me smile because it reminds me of my grandparents. It's also a lovely happy colourful and happy photo which I'd loved even without the nostalgia.


  1. I love them too. They remind me of holidays when I was little. My sister and I used to be desperate for my mum to have cocktails so we could have the umbrellas, and of course that meant she had to have two in quick succession! :)

  2. i too, adore that photos...the memories it brings up...the colours....lovely!

    melissa x

  3. LOVE it!! I love the big paper parasols just like that too!
