Sunday 12 September 2010

'Troia' by sweet berry me

Troia , originally uploaded by sweet berry me.

I found a really beautiful autumn photo yesterday that I was going to share with you tonight but then today appeared to be summer again. We spent a blissful afternoon with friends. We ate lunch in the garden, we played ball and sang songs with my daughter and I wore sunglasses because it was just so sunny. It was a wonderful summer's day. I just knew that there was a little bit of summer left before autumn kicked off properly.

Anyway, I thought because of the nice weather I'd show you are more hot and summery photo. This one is just perfect and so peaceful. I love the simplicity of it and the fact that there are only really two colours in it. It looks like a perfect place for a bit of peace and quiet.


  1. Hello,thank you for posting my photo :D It's been only a few weeks that I'm back from my holidays and already miss this place so much.I miss looking at the sea and my early walks on the beach when it was completely desert, picking shells and the simplicity of everything.
    Back to reality now !!!!!:D
    Wishing you a wonderful week .


  2. I really could do with being IN that photo right now. Glad you are getting better weather, it is still rubbish here! Jen
