Wednesday 15 September 2010

'On the beach' by Me

On the beach, originally uploaded by PhotoPuddle.

My and my little girl headed off to Brighton again today. It's funny how it's only a couple of weeks into September but the beach was empty and loads of stuff including the carousel are now closed. Didn't stop us though. We still ran around on the beach enjoying ourselves. I took quite a few photos of course and couldn't decide which one to post here tonight. I went with this one though as it sums up the day the best - just messing around on the pebbles but with our sweatshirts on as it's not summer any more.


  1. lovely! pebbles are one of our favorite things to play with too!

  2. Such a lovely photo. Brighton beach is one of my most favourite places in the world, I wish we still lived close by but now it's a 2.5 hour trip
    (at least!). There is a photo of my three on my blog on Brighton Beach and it is one of my favourites. Thanks for the lovely comments you've put on my blog, it's taken me a while to start reading & commenting again which I'm sure you'll understand. So, just thanks really. Bloggers like you are the reason I love this little world.

    MD xx
