Monday 30 August 2010

'pink sky deligh' by RebeccaVC1

pink sky delight, originally uploaded by RebeccaVC1.

I won't say much tonight but just thought I'd show you this beautiful photo of a stunning sky. We've all had moments like this where we look out the window and think "Wow, what a sky! I should photograph it!". Sometimes we do but I reckon more often than not we don't. Therefore, I say in future when you look out of the window and see a stunning sky just grab the nearest camera and take that photo. I am pleased the photographer here did because it was a gorgeous shot.


  1. I have a whopper to share with you...maybe this week!! This is an awesome reminder. Thanks for sharing!!


  2. you are absolutely right! I know I myself have let a great shot or two of sky scenes go by only to regret it!

    this looks like a pastel painting in the sky!!!!!

    thanks for sharing it!

    ciao bella!


  3. beautiful, and very important to grab moments like this when one can! xx

  4. Its fabulous, I see them often enough but it is very hard to catch them in a good photo! Jen

  5. That's so true Jen. The sky never seems to be as amazing in the photo as it is in real life. I guess I need to get practising. After all this photo seems to have captured all the beauty.

  6. Wow this is an ace sky. I submitted a sky picture for this week's gallery but this is something else! Amazing colours.
