Wednesday 4 August 2010

'canal barges' by david1230

canal barges, originally uploaded by david1230.

Hello all. I've just got back from a holiday in Wales and have literally hundreds of photos to sort through so I won't share any of them with you tonight. Instead I thought I'd post this rather lovely image I found which made me smile as it really does symbolise a lovely peaceful British holiday. The composition of this is just perfect it feels quite calming just to look at it. The colours are great too. In fact when I first saw it I thought it almost looked like a painting. Anyway, enjoy this one and I'll see you again tomorrow for a holiday snap of mine!


  1. Ooh that is a gorgeous photo. All those greens are like a painting but I think what really makes it stand out for me is the fact that the water is so still, it looks almost like a highly polished floor.

  2. Amazing, those trees look like they've been painted! Very clever. And good to see children on a narrow boat. I'd love a holiday like this but wondering when I can go without the danger of children throwing themselves into the canal.

  3. I love this one!! Can't wait to see what you've come back with!!


  4. Lovely photo, I've spent many weekends on my in-laws boat, one of the things I miss in Cyprus!
    (Must point out though as it's a long standing pet hate of my hubby.... a barge is a working boat carrying coal etc, a narrow boat is what you'd holiday on!)

