Tuesday 6 July 2010

'Butterfly' by Me

Butterfly, originally uploaded by PhotoPuddle.

I took this photo nearly a year ago. It was about a week after I opened my flickr account and realised photography was the thing for me! I remember just being out for a walk, pushing my baby along in her buggy and spotting this butterfly flying around. Out came my camera which I'd been carrying around in my bag and I snapped away. I was actually very pleased with my first attempt at butterfly photography. I couldn't wait to see what my second attempt looked like.

So nearly a year has passed and have I seen and butterflies around to take photos of? No I flippin' haven't! I've seen a few in the distance or when I've not had a camera to hand. But not yet had the chance to see whether my first butterfly capture was just a fluke or not! Summer is not done yet though and if I find another one willing to have its photo taken I shall post here and let you know all about it!


  1. oh my! this photo is absolutely wonderful and you are right - photography was calling you!!

  2. WOW!! (at the photo) and another WOW at the fact that you are a natural, I assumed you were a professional!! Jen

  3. Wow this is fantastic - you are so clever! Wish you were here near me and you could photograph my next party!! Leanne. PS. Have tagged you for an award if you want to play along - details on my blog!

  4. I like your picture! You are right: photography is for you :) it's a fabulous art!

  5. Wow, what gorgeous photo's! You are clearly a natural. Thank you for your comment at mine the other day, it's meant that I've had a chance to come and check out your work!

  6. Beautiful capture - georgeus butterfly!!!

  7. What a beautiful image. I'm always surprised how fast they can move when I get a camera out. Warp speed butterflys.

