Monday 21 June 2010

'West Wittering' by Me

West Wittering, originally uploaded by PhotoPuddle.

As promised here is one of the photos I took at the beach yesterday. We went to West Wittering beach in West Sussex which is fantastic as it's so sandy. We built sandcastles, ate ice cream and generally had a fantastic time. Oh and there were beach huts, yay!

I love this photo because it makes the beach look really empty and peaceful when really it was packed with happy people enjoying a day out by the sea.


  1. Hello - may I say that is a great great pic of West Wittering...I am a local and you have captured it perfectly! Infact my son is there as I type attending a kid's birthday party on the beach so I had better go and pick him up soon! Lovely photo. Lou x

  2. Thanks LooBoo. I thought you may have been local so it means a lot that you think I've captured it well. It's a stunning beach. It must be great to be able to go there lots. I think we'll definitely make time for at least another visit this summer.

  3. It is absolutely gorgeous. We have that kind of weather here today and oh how I would love to be in that picture with a cool sea breeze right now:) It looks so peaceful too, all the people were hiding behind the hut?? :D Jen.

  4. Brilliant photo, my grandparents used to have a beach hut on West Wittering! Brings back childhood memories

  5. Beautiful! We were thinking of going there after seeing that it's a great beach, this has made me want to go even more!

    You're a great photographer :)

  6. I love this photo, too! Beautifully composed and sounds like a perfect day at the beach.
