Sunday 6 June 2010

'West Pier' by Me

West Pier, originally uploaded by PhotoPuddle.

I'm posting this one of mine because I really quite like it. It's of West Pier in Brighton. This is the pier that was destroyed by fire and I must admit that even thought there is not much left of it now it is really fascinating and wonderful to photograph. I am particularly proud of this one as I like the simplicty and I like contrast of the dark pier against the soft blues of the sky and sea. As always, I hope you like it too.


  1. I am in love with this photo. Such great contrast between the beautiful blue sky that makes me happy, and the remainings of the pier that makes me sad. I absolutely love it!

  2. This is really lovely! I love the simplicity and detail of the pier. And you composed it very nicely :)

  3. hi! thanks for the lovely comment on my page.



  4. If I had taken this shot I would be blowingmy own trumpet too! It's wonderful and I am a nearly a local so the fact that you have captured this degree of peace in a place that is not often peaceful is an achievement! Lou x

  5. Wonderful image. Love the use of negative space.

  6. I love this photo. Captures serenity perfectly.

  7. Thank you all so much for the lovely comments!

  8. Yes, I do like this. Very much, indeed. I'm always glad when you post your photos. I think the composition is wonderful here and love the contrast of the dark pier with the soft sea and water. Great image! xo – g
