Thursday 10 June 2010

'Sweeties' by Me

Sweeties, originally uploaded by PhotoPuddle.

Anyone for a strawberry sweetie? I took this today in a totally unplanned photo shoot! Basically, I had a little box of sweets and was tipping one out into my hand to eat. However, I obviously tipped too far as all the sweets came out. But looking down at them in my hand I really liked how they looked and had to take a photo. So I grabbed my camera, swiped some coloured paper from my daughter's box of craft stuff and got clicking!

Oh and in case you were wondering these sweets are from M&S and are totally delicious!


  1. Love the contrast in colors! and awesome composition :)

  2. hhmmm, yum. I love how you paired the candy with the yellow background. it totally works.

  3. oooohhhh strawberry candies!! yum!! the contrast of colors is nice and vibrant. :) funny how shots sometimes work out!

    have a wonderful weekend!


  4. A wonderful combination of colour. Would make a brilliant poster. Maybe M&S would be interested.

  5. How beautiful! I love the bright colors and how you've composed lovely! I do hope you are having a great weekend my dear. xoxo, Kristi

  6. Ohh my..yum they taste so good :-)
