Tuesday 2 February 2010

'wind, sun, blue' by SurprisePally

wind, sun, blue, originally uploaded by SurprisePally.

It was much warmer today than it has been. I wouldn't go so far as to say spring-like just yet but it was definitely milder. It gave me just a glimmer of hope that winter is soon to be gone.

This photo is just beautiful. It makes me want it to be summer now and I want to be at the beach. You can't even see the beach in this photo but you know it's there and just perfect. What I love most about this is the dress blowing in the wind. It looks like a really hot day but with a light breeze so you are not sweltering in the heat.

All the shades of blue are gorgeous too and it really doesn't need any other colours. A wonderful summer image.


  1. Thanks for visiting and becoming a follower of my blog. I love connecting with new people. I enjoy 'playing' with photography, so I know I will enjoy following you.

  2. Oh now I want to go on holiday - immediately!! Love the idea of your blog. Look forward to seeing more. :)
