Sunday 17 January 2010

'It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air.' by simple effulgence

Since starting this blog I have realised that I really do like a really diverse range of photography. But that is surely a good thing. There is so much for me to look at and appreciate and that means that this blog is going to be full to the brim of gorgeous pictures. Just hope I remember to keep taking my own photos!

I haven't yet posted a photo which demonstrates my love of things soft and girly. I think this one fits the bill. I love pastels and the combination of balls of wool and a pretty collander is just really girly! (I know men can knit and cook but that's not the point!!!!)

I shall make sure I post lots more pretty pictures like this when I am not getting side-tracked by bright colours, dramatic photos and anything else that catches my eye.


  1. What a wonderful idea for a blog. I'm honored that you chose to use one of my images. Thank you.

  2. Men can knit? Show me... Lovely pic, and you're right, very girly. Just over to say a massive thankyou for following my blog, it really made my day to see you up there - cheers!

  3. Come to think of it, I don't actually know any men who can knit!! Perhaps I should change that to "SOME men can knit!"
