Tuesday 29 October 2013

'Pumpkins for sale' by Me

Pumpkins for sale by PhotoPuddle
Pumpkins for sale, a photo by PhotoPuddle on Flickr.

As a rule my dreams are rubbish. Really vivid but for some reason very melancholic. Apart from the fact that it means I have to get up I am rarely that fussed to wake up from them. This morning I was having a suitably rubbish dream but this time I was a bit disappointed when I woke up. I was annoyed because in my dream I had taken some really fabulous photographs which of course didn't find their way onto my camera in real life.

I obviously can't show you my dream photos but trust me they were great. Instead I will show you a snap I took on my iPhone today. When I saw these pumpkins outside a shop I knew I had to photograph them. Especially as it was a beautiful sunny day, perfect for taking lovely autumn pictures. Hopefully I'll be able to take a few more autumn photos like this before winter arrives.

Saturday 26 October 2013

'cause baby you're a firework' by {she tells stories}

As a family we always seem to spend our weekends racing around doing things, whether it be catching up with friends, getting jobs done or just getting out for the day as a family. Today was meant to be just like that. More birthday celebrations with family (my little girl is rather dragging her birthday out) followed by an evening at a firework display. Unfortunately due to illness and bad weather both these things were cancelled. At first this was really disappointing but we ended up having a really nice chilled out day at home. We watched a couple of films, I did lots of knitting and the kids plays happily together in a tent made out of dining room chairs and a blanket. In fact, don't tell anyone but, I didn't actually get dressed until the middle of the afternoon. We definitely need to find more time to just chill out as a family like this.

I am, however, a bit disappointed about not seeing the firework display as I was rather looking forward to experimenting with a bit of firework photography. It's only October though so hopefully I might still get a chance before the firework season is over. In the meantime here is a wonderful photo I found. I love how this has been captured. You really feel the energy. It also looks like it would have been a really fun photo shoot!

I hope you are having lovely weekend!

Friday 25 October 2013

'No112' by Windmanom2

No112 by Windmanom2
No112, a photo by Windmanom2 on Flickr.

I love the light in this photo. And I love the composition. I also love the whole mood of this. It's a simple image yet I could look at it for ages.

And talking of things I love, I love the fact that it's half term now. I love that I get to spend a week properly hanging out with my daughter. I do miss her now she's at school. She is getting on so well and she's totally loving it there. I am also rather enjoying my new role as primary school mum but I know I will always cherish the holidays and the quality time I will get with her during them.

Sunday 20 October 2013

'Untitled' by lanabelle

Untitled by lanabelle
Untitled, a photo by lanabelle on Flickr.

As I mentioned yesterday it was my daughter's 5th birthday party today. We decided not to do anything big just a few friends round at our house for a party with food, crafts, games and general things five years olds like to do to entertain themselves. And you know what it was absolutely perfect. I think my daughter was initially a little disappointed that we weren't doing some kind of soft play extravaganza with loads and loads of friends but she really appreciated it today. In fact she told us she loved it.

The biggest hit of the party though was probably the balloons. This is where my husband has been doing a little "I told you so" dance. He really got it into his head that he wanted a helium balloon kit. At £22 I thought this was a waste of money but he couldn't help himself and got one anyway. The money paid off though as all the kids loved the balloons. It was like they'd never seen a helium balloon. I guess they'd just never seen so many in a living room before.

I therefore had to include a balloon related photo with this post. I have chosen this one just because it's really pretty. I love the sparkles.

I hope you've been having a lovely weekend too xxx

Saturday 19 October 2013

'puddle jumping' by jrodmanjr

puddle jumping by jrodmanjr
puddle jumping, a photo by jrodmanjr on Flickr.

Today wasn't exactly the most relaxing of Saturdays. This was mainly due to the fact we had a lot of running around town to do getting bits and bobs for my daughter's birthday party tomorrow. (I can't believe she's turning five this week but I'll save that post for another day!) This wouldn't normally be stressful but my son refused to have a nap when he was obviously shattered. Pushing a grumpy boy round the supermarket was a little bit on the stressful side. Anyway, it's funny how a day can be rescued by one little moment. We had a quick walk to the local shop before bed so the kids could splash in puddles. We were trying out my little boys new boots and it was his first puddle jumping experience. He loved it! It was a lovely end to the day. I definitely think we'll go puddle jumping again soon. Looking at the weather forecast for next week I don't think we'll have to wait long for new puddles!

No one is jumping in this puddle photo but I couldn't resist showing you it as it actually took me a while to realise that it's flipped upside down. I love the way puddle photos look so effective like this. And of course I love the light in this. I hope I can get better at capturing evening lights like this.

I hope you are having a fabulous and stress free weekend.

Sunday 13 October 2013

'On the pier' by Me

On the pier by PhotoPuddle
On the pier, a photo by PhotoPuddle on Flickr.

I don't really feel like writing today but I did want to do a blog post as I haven't posted much recently. Therefore here is a photograph that I took ages ago, April in fact, but never got around to showing you. This picture was taken pretty much on the move. We were heading off the pier in Brighton, I looked to my right, saw this view and thought it would make a good photo. One snap of my camera and I was on my way again. I am pleased with the result, especially after I made it black and white.

Friday 11 October 2013

Untitled image by Ramona Nevermind

  by Ramona Nevermind
, a photo by Ramona Nevermind on Flickr.

It's gone all cold. The rain has come. Autumn is properly here now. I intend to keep myself wrapped up warm and cozy at all times - especially on the school run as we all know 3 o'clock is always the time it starts to hammer is down with rain. I also have new snuggly slippers and pyjamas. I plan to stay in these a lot too. Not on the school run though, I think I'll manage to get dressed for that!

Here is a rather warm looking photograph to start the weekend with. I love the fact that when you think about it's actually of nothing just a wall and a floor but it comes alive with those fantastic shadows. What a wonderfully well observed photo.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

'Autumn through my iPhone' by Me

Autumn through my iPhone by PhotoPuddle
Autumn through my iPhone, a photo by PhotoPuddle on Flickr.

I've had my iPhone just a few days now and already I am beginning to wonder how I ever lived without it. Not so much for the whizzy jolly Internet things but mainly because of the camera and various apps I have installed.

Today was a beautiful autumn day so I thought it the perfect opportunity to see what the camera can do. For years now I have walked pretty much weekly through a small wood near where I live. Every time I go over this bridge I think it would make a lovely picture. I have often taken out my compact camera, which I take with me everywhere, and taken a few shots but I am never happy with the results. Even after editing I have never been able to achieve the photo I can visualise in my head. Admittedly I've never tried the shot with my DSLR or anything better than the compact camera or my old mobile phone but I still don't think it would have helped. But today iPhone in hand I thought I would try again to get the photo I wanted. After a bit of work in Hipstamatic and Instagram I came up with the photo above which I adore.

Be warned I am not likely to get bored of my new gadget any time in the near future. Expect to see more iPhone photos published here soon.

Sunday 6 October 2013

'ladybird' by Bearseye

ladybird by Bearseye
ladybird, a photo by Bearseye on Flickr.

This evening I have mostly been stitching black spots on to red clothes. Yes, that's right I'm officially a primary school mum now. I am making a ladybird costume for my daughter's book week at school.

I therefore thought it only right to share a fabulous ladybird photo with you. I love this one because the detail is incredible. The colours are really vibrant too.

Oh and in case you were wondering the lady bird my daughter is dressing up as is the one from 'What the Ladybird Heard'. I hope the costume ends up looking OK!

Saturday 5 October 2013

'elegantlyRed | iphoneography series' by davidclifford

Today was a very exciting day. Today was the day that I got my first iPhone. I know, I know, I am about 300 years behind the rest of the world but I've always got on fine with my Android phones so never felt the need to change before now. Anyway, now I am a proud iPhone owner I can finally get myself properly into iPhoneography. So, can any of your suggest any apps I should be getting for my phone?

This is a hipstamatic image. Is that a must have app? I really like this photo because of the raw graininess of it. It kind of illustrates that instant photo image that I love. I was also drawn to this as I thought it looked like it was taken in a bathroom. I noticed, however, that it was taken in Lisbon and from my recollection Portugal is all about the tiles so I guess it could have been taken anywhere.

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend. And do let me have you iPhone app suggestions.